Migrating From MDriven .NET Framework to .NET Core

Migrating from .NET framework to .NET Core provides a multitude of advantages that can significantly enhance you application's performance, scalability and deployment flexibility.


  • Backup admin db
  • Backup current running Model
  • Backup Model/App user data
  • Backup Turnkey settings
  • Upload Model
  • Restore Model data
  • Restore Admin db

Open the MDriven Designer

Click on the Cloud Connection Icon 2024-12-04 22h29 51.png to open the Cloud Connection Dialog.

Within the Cloud Connection dialog, go to the Active MDriven Server tab.

Enter the Credentials for connecting to your MDriven Server in the fields: Name(User Name), Password and Server(MDriven Server URL) are required.

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Back Up Admin DB

In the Cloud Connection dialog, go to Admin DB Access and Swap tab

1. Start by creating a snapshot of the Admin db

An error message of "502 Bad Gateway expected due to server forced restart" will be displayed in the MDriven Server status section. This is normal.

2. Check Server Status to make sure MDriven Server is up and running. If the MDriven Server does not start to run after some seconds, then restart the MDriven Server.

3. Download the created snapshot of the Admin db

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Back Up Current Running Model

Prepare a copy of the version of the Model currently running on the MDriven Server.

If not sure, download the Model on the MDriven Server using the MDriven Designer Cloud Connection Dialog.


Back Up Model Data

1. Within the MDriven Designer, click on the System Prototype Icon 2024-12-05 01h53 56.png

2. Go to the MDriven Server tab

3. Click on Start System. If the connection to the MDriven Server is successful, the Migrate button will enabled.

4. Click on the Migrate button to open the Migrate window.

5. Click the download button to download all of the Model data into an xml file. The button will show progress till download is done.

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Back up the Turnkey Settings located in site\wwwroot\App_Data\TurnkeySettings.xml

Installing the Current MDriven Server and Turnkey

If MDriven is running on Azure, then use this page - Installing MDriven Server and Turnkey on Microsoft Azure - to setup the latest MDriven Turnkey and Server on Azure.

What has Changed in App Settings

  • Credentials for connecting to the MDriven Server within the Turnkey app are now in the App_Data/MDrivenServerOverride.xml file
  • Turnkey settings are now set in the App_Data/TurnkeySettingsOverride.xml file.

Restoring App

Upload the previously backed up model.

Restore Model Data

1. Within the MDriven Designer, click on the System Prototype Icon 2024-12-05 01h53 56.png

2. Go to the MDriven Server tab.

3. Click on Start System. If the connection to the MDriven Server is successful, the Migrate button will enabled.

4. Click on the Migrate button to open the Migrate window.

5. Click the button that reads the xml data file.

6. Click on the Chunk Save button to upload the data to the MDriven Server.

7. Click save in the system prototyper window to persist the loaded data permanently into the database.

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NOTE: If the Model version on the MDriven Server is not the same for the data back up, then restoring user data will not be allowed.

Upload Admin DB Backup

1. Open the Cloud connection dialog and go to the Admin DB Access and Swap tab.

2. Browse for the backed up admin db.

3. Upload the admin db to the MDriven Server.

An error message of "502 Bad Gateway expected due to server forced restart" will be displayed in the MDriven Server status section. This is normal.

4. Check Server Status to make sure MDriven Server is up and running. If the MDriven Server does not start to run after some seconds, then restart the MDriven Server.

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NOTE: After uploading the admin db backup, make sure the previous credentials for connecting to MDriven Server from the old app are used in the MDrivenServerOverride file. Otherwise, the Turnkey app will be blocked from connecting to the MDrivenServer.

In case Turnkey is blocked from connecting, use PwdReset to set new password for user a.

This page was edited 65 days ago on 01/20/2025. What links here